söndag 7 mars 2010

People all over the world are desperately trying to lose weight, and more and more people all over the world are also getting over weight. And many think that losing weight is very hard, but in reality, it’s not. It’s just a matter of burning more calories than you are putting in to your body.

But if it was really that easy, most of us would not have to struggle to lose weight. Many people start to think about trying those different methods that promises very fast weight loss. But the thing is that if you lose weight to fast, it can damage your body. You will burn of a lot of muscles and you can also damage your heart and other organs in your body.

So how should we go about losing weight then?

Well, losing weight is not something you can do over night. It is a pretty long process, which includes making small changes every day and lose weight in the long run without hurting your body.

So forget about all of those hype products which promise you will lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

One of the key things in weight loss is exercise. You don’t have to run like 20 km per day or something like that. You can start out small and just exercise 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Another thing you can do is always take the stairs instead of elevators. That burns calories to. And also try to walk more instead of taking you car everywhere (also better for the environment).

Then once you start to lose weight and build up your condition, you can start to exercise some more, aim for about 50 minutes 5-6 times per week, you don’t need anything more than that if you just want to stay in shape and not get overweight.
Then use a calorie calculator, and try to figure out how much calories your burning while you exercise. You could even wear a heart rate monitor that can track how many calories you burn throughout your day and exercises.

Then you really need to start calculating how many calories you eat every day. Start to use a food journal and write down all you eat over the day, and try to be as precise as possible. Then all you do is check how many calories you eat during one day, and how many calories you burn each day. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. On the other hand if you burn more then you eat, you will lose weight.

So stay away from those products that promise over night miracles, because they are usually just scams. And settle for the long run.